Back to the Future

I have considered what the future might hold and whether that’s where I am now.

Like I mentioned on here Friday, I spent Sunday with family to celebrate my 33rd birthday. Part of that time was spent with the joint Lenten service organized by the Lawrence County Cluster of UMCs. Dad was the guest preacher and so I was happy to support him. On the way home, we got to talking about whether I would ever be interested in being appointed to any of those churches if asked by my superiors. Ideally, I’d like to stay closer to my current location; but I’m accountable to my supervisors and if I want an appointment, I’ll go. Having said that, I admitted that I have considered what the future might hold.


One of the future plans I have considered is making a move elsewhere. Loading up the truck and moving to Beverly. The hills of Kentucky that is. For your information, Beverly, KY is located near Red Bird Mission in the Southeastern area of the state. That’s probably the furthest north I’d really like to settle. I’m about over the snow and cold of Indiana.

south.pngI’d really like to be in the land of Southern Hospitality, Sweet Tea, Y’all, and Publix stores. The South is calling, and I must go. If I had my druthers, living somewhere within a short drive to the Gulf Coast would be ideal. I’ve even looked at houses to see the pricing. I blame watching Home Town & Fixer Upper on HGTV for moving away. The small-ish town of Laurel, MS on Home Town looks really appealing. The house prices they feature on the show look very affordable for a first-time home buyer like me.

I’ve also considered what my future might entail as far as career. I’m still going to be a pastor but having a 2nd job is interesting. I am intrigued by being a history or social studies teacher. I think that being a teacher in a private school would be my best option. I’ve seen what the new education system has become for public schools and mom cringes every time she hears the word ‘RISE.’ So, being in a private school sounds better, as it would allow for a better teacher: student ratio and parental involvement is much better.

I’ve also considered moving away and finding a new job because it might lead to better romantic prospects. Even if I took a sabbatical from pastoring for a short time to pursue another career, I’m sure my romantic pursuits would be easier.


Now I will admit, this probably isn’t happening anytime in the next year. I’ve still got 8 more classes of continuing education left, and I’d like to finish that in my planned timeline at the institution I’m currently attending. I also must consider that most of my family is still here in Indiana and I don’t imagine they’ll relocate. So, I do take that into consideration, but as I’ve talked with friends about making a move and processed the plans myself, I don’t really have anything that ties me to where I am currently. More importantly, I don’t have anyone that ties me to here. I know plenty of parents that visit their kids on mini-vacations and the children reciprocate. Now, all my plans are subject to change if I find something or someone to connect me here. So, I’m willing to consider all plans and options, and only time will tell. It’s a shame I can’t fire the DeLorean up to 88 mph to see what the future might look like if I follow through on the plans I can imagine for myself.


What about you, have you considered what the future looks like for you; or did you consider those plans when predicting a future years ago?

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