Poetry Wednesday 66

Why not “Dream a Little Dream” today?

“Dream a Little Dream”

The last ship sails and the moon fades to time of night from day

I’m pondering and subconsciously wondering my life away

Growing tired, now down to sleep I lay

I shut my eyes while my imagination bursts forth with wonderful sight

Doubt if anyone is ever going to treat me right

Hoping for sweet dreams and sunbeams when I find you

Go ahead and jump out of bed if that dream ever comes true

Might as well close my eyes again, visions in my head will soon entertain

Peacefully lying in the darkness, transported to dreamland slowly and steady as if by train

Won’t take long to find the daytime and its faithful light.

Still I rise, and still is my body, it finds quiet and peace while my dreams stay the night

© Ryan Stroud 2019

Shhh…I’m Sleeping

Rock-a-bye Ryan in the treetop…


If you read my poem yesterday it was dedicated to my bouts of insomnia. Admittedly for the last 6 months I’ve had irregular sleep patterns (and eating patterns) that I’ve had to deal with. I’ve always had intermittent sleep during my in bed hours whether due to taking diuretics, diabetic side effects, or just randomly my subconscious wakes me up for no reason. I know when I turn in for the night I’m tired and ready to sleep, I just don’t stay asleep. I can’t just will myself and I’m leery of adding another prescription to my already loaded regimen. Yet I know that the body needs sleep

you're out there.png

I think every human knows that because it’s ingrained in us to observe Sabbath and rest. It is somewhat jarring that we need a command to rest, but we all know workaholics, so I think that’s why this command speaks to humanity. We all are prone at various times to be in a hyper-focused mode. There’s definitely times when I’m either writing on this blog, working on something for class, or even playing video games and I realize it’s midnight or later and I should be getting rest.

One of the best modes of resting that I have discovered even after my toddler years is naps. I was never a fan of naps in my teenage or college years, but as I’ve aged I have learned that they are often needed but also a gift. I know that one reason I was never a fan when I was younger is that it was almost impossible to take a nap. I would argue with most people that once I was awake for the day, I was awake for the day until it was bedtime and I was good and tired.

I’ve particularly discovered naps as both necessary and beneficial on the Sabbath. Yeah, I know as a pastor I only work one day a week for about an hour at a time. Ha! Still, a nap after service on Sunday afternoons is much needed. The rigors of being a pastor do take an emotional and mental toll on people, so rest is needed. I’d point out that Jesus also was purposeful about taking Sabbath and would take naps when needed. So, I’m in good company if even the Savior needed rest and naptime.

Of course, some sleepologist somnologist will likely point out that if I’m napping especially through the day that is affecting my sleep at night. Maybe I’ll ask my GP doctor who also specializes in sleep medicine if that’s ruining my nighttime sleep. Of course, I may or may not keep napping since there are sleepless nights when I don’t nap and uninterrupted nights of sleep when I’ve napped earlier that day.


What about you, do you sleep like a baby and wake up through the night quite often or do you sleep like the dead? I like to sleep like Garfield, sleep soundly at night and nap as often as possible.   

Poetry Wednesday #5

My latest poem for Poetry Wednesday titled “Sleep.”


Beloved sleep, some idle thoughts disrupt.

My mind had approached the moment relaxed.

Daily strain makes all my slumber corrupt.

I believed unsolved affairs had climaxed.


Thoughts inside are completely awake.

Like Rousseau’s complaints, sorrowed and profound.

Despaired since my mind they will not forsake.

A lot were curtained off, but now unwound.


Wondering sustained, keeps my head intrigued.

An activity to make me refreshed

Evermore, I’m going to be fatigued.

Cachettes of marvel in that dome enmeshed.


Let me now, yes somehow stop their invite.

Let me have just what I want — sleep tonight.


© Ryan Stroud 2018